In basic practical terms, how does SPROWTS work?

Every week you will be asked to fill in your main figures (on a simple eMailed spreadsheet, that has been configured specifically for YOUR business). 

Information such as:

Sales split between the various departments : Accommodation / Food / Drinks / Functions Food / Functions Drinks / Other Income etc

Cost of Sales such as Food and Liquor purchases; even Conference and Banqueting equipment if you hire that in.

Covers the numbers of meals served that week, at Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner, and maybe Afternoon Teas too, or at Functions – but only if you serve those things.

Bedrooms if you have bedrooms – the number of rooms you sold, every night, and how many beds were occupied on those nights etc.

Wages we will need details of Wages too, and those departmentalised if you can. If you have your wages done weekly, we will have those figures weekly, or monthly if you do monthly. Some places have some staff paid weekly and others monthly, plus casuals maybe. Whichever way you organise things, we can adapt our SPROWTS system to accommodate what you do in your business.

And after we give you the figures? Process and Functionality

SPROWTS is the tool we use to generate and report on all your key performance indicators (KPIs).  It is straightforward for you though, because all we ask is that weekly data is entered by your business onto the Spud sheet (our cutely named, but data input sheet that is personally structured for each different client.  This data is eMailed off to David Hunter’s Team, who enter it onto the Sprowts Sheet.  The formulae within the Sprowts Sheet automatically calculates the KPIs and other data that David will personally analyse, and then he will comment on the business’s financial performance over the previous week. 

Selected sections of SPROWTS data tables, showing the last week, and usually averages over the last agreed  number of weeks, are reported to you with customised comments from David Hunter himself.  The Report eMail is sent to you the client, and to nominated Key Personnel (e.g. General Manager / Head Chef).  This is a weekly process that takes place 52 weeks per year;  We never miss a week. 

No, we are NOT talking about reams and reams of useless numbers.  We are talking about all the key figures that you need to manage your business and make decisions from.  We give you ONLY the key figures you need, nothing more than that – unless you actually want other figures (which is fairly easy for us to do).  We write the reports in very plain English  –  no nonsense, and very honest. We customise our reports for every business recognising that the Hospitality business is varied in nature.

SPROWTS continually evolves for each client, with new data, as you might request, or as we might suggest, being tracked and then commented on as appropriate.

Each KPI has ‘’benchmark’’ thresholds set to highlight if the business is below target, meeting or exceeding target expectations. Where a KPI is below the expected performance level, there will be an opportunity presented to receive more personalised advice from a senior Bowden Group Consultant/Mentor  …  such as David Hunter.


Your weekly SPROWTS Report will tell you all that you need to know about your business  …  how it is running, what aspects are looking good, and what needs improvement.

It is everything about Sales and Profitability, real stuff, and:

  1. compared to the same period last year
  2. compared to the Budget that you have set  (yes, we can do that for you too)
  3. highlighting the trends:  all of them:  short-  medium-  and long-term 

If you have a Restaurant we can measure Average Spend per Head (SPH)

If you have Bedrooms we look at Occupancy and Average Room Rate achieved.

We also look at forward booking numbers –  and where possible we look at trends and we compare to industry standards.  (the comparables list is endless  –  and you can have whatever information you need) 

If you would like to see a sample of the weekly Report that is produced by SPROWTS, just click here:  [email protected]  and we will get this back to you very quickly.

We would be really happy to do that for you.

Unique Selling Points of SPROWTS

Why Use Us?

Small team of analysts

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Simple and real-time data

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Years of experience

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Contact David Hunter for more information!